- Some businesses are looking at offshoring.
- Some businesses have decided against offshoring.
- Some businesses have tried offshoring and failed.
- Some businesses have tried and succeeded with offshoring.
Small business currently face a range of issues – The wages costs are rising, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find people with the right skills that we need, especially in some of the tech areas, the labour laws can be quite restrictive and scaling up a team quickly can be very difficult to do.
At Extreme we have built our team to 25 and 13 of our awesome team members is not in Australia.
What are the benefits of offshoring?
This seminar will cover:
- Why you should think about offshoring.
- The different approaches to building a team overseas.
- The kinds of work that an overseas workforce can do really well.
- How to take your first steps with offshoring.
- The processes and systems we’ve put in place to make things run smoother.
- The downsides and how to minimise them.
One aspect of building an overseas workforce is the number of customers that are offshoring work but not mentioning it. We’ve seen competitors openly disparaging the processes, only to discover that they had their own teams overseas. This is one of the reasons that it is really important that you understand how offshoring can work for your business.
We will cover aspects like:
- Getting access to skills you wouldn’t have.
- Decreases payroll costs significantly (generally 2/3s!)
- Competitive advantages for building an export business.
- How offshoring can help you rapidly scale your business.
This is a warts and all discussion where we take you through the trials and tribulations that we have gone through to get to the point where now our whole team is very strong, with really passionate and smart people all working towards achieving our BHAG.
Level: Basic
As with all of our seminars, this is designed to inspire and educate you to grow YOUR business.