Facebook is one of the quickest and easiest ways of marketing your business, but it is not without it’s pitfalls. We have provided this quick checklist as an introduction on how you can increase the effectiveness of your online marketing.
- Is Facebook right for your business? Facebook is great for viral marketing, but if you don’t have product that is interesting and engaging, Facebook will be a lot more work for much less return. In some industries it is almost mandatory, such as hospitality and for others it is very difficult. How many people are likely to Like a law firm’s Facebook page?
- Have the right content. Some businesses use Facebook to update customers on new products only. It is hard to build engagement when it is only product news. People like to know what is going on, but also like to be challenged and like a laugh, so posts that help build the conversation are great.
- Images. Photos are much more likely to get shared and liked than text.
This photo took 15 minutes to arrange. We chose the Blueberry Cheesecake and Chocolate Milkshake specifically because they would photograph well and rearranged furniture to get the lighting and background just right. The result – 197 likes, 10 comments and 17 shares. Not bad for a quick photo.
- Timing is everything. Experiment with when you post your information. We have found that for most of our customers 7PM – 9PM is the best time. When you have a great post that is going viral, you can literally see the new likes every 30 seconds.
- Cross Promote. Every time you send out an email or someone goes to your website, you should try to promote your Facebook page. By making sure there is unique content on Facebook, people are more likely to like it. Emails send to your customers and prospects with a like button embedded can be a great way to gain traction. You should link all of your blog articles (You have a blog don’t you?) to Facebook because it gives people a reason to Like your page.
- Paid Facebook Marketing? Don’t forget that you can run paid campaigns. With the right content and the right message, the Return on Investment can be very high. They are quick and easy to set up, but be careful as Facebook tinkers regularly with the way campaigns run, so what worked last month may not work this month.
- Keep it fresh and keep at it. Try to post twice a week and check each day to see if someone has posted a question or comment. The first 100 likes are the hardest, but once you reach 500 you start to get traction.
Extreme Networks provides social media and online marketing strategy, services and education. We manage multiple Facebook pages for businesses, some with thousands of likes, along with email campaigns that go out to over 20,000 customers so if you need help with email, social or other online Marketing activities, give the Team at Extreme a call. We are one of the few IT companies with a dedicated marketing team, helping our customers bring all of the activities together. We are planning on running a Facebook marketing seminar in early February, so email sales@extremenetworks.com.au if you would like to be kept informed about our Facebook education series.